Upcoming Events

Liturgical Leader Training

September 29

All current Acolytes/Eucharistic ministers are strongly encouraged to attend the liturgical leader training on September 29 from 12:30  –  2 p.m. in the sanctuary. We will be updating some of our liturgical practices to reflect our growing liturgical team and the training will include instruction and walk-through of these new practices. This is also a wonderful opportunity for any new folks who wish to join the team to attend and get certified as a Eucharistic Minister.

Formation at St. Peter’s

All formation hours will be held in the Lower Parish Hall at 12:30pm.

September 22, 2024
Sources of Transformation

Join fellow parishioners as we kick off our program year with a parish-wide forum on Sources of Transformation. This is a model taught in the College for Congregational Development intended to aid congregations in naming their particular charisms and reflecting on areas of growth in our practices of transformation.

October 6, 13, 20, 2024
Introduction to Luke

Fall is nearly upon us and that means our liturgical year is in its final stretch! Beginning Advent 1, our lectionary cycle begins again and our primary Gospel changes from Mark to Luke. To help us prepare for this change, formation hours during October will introduce us to major themes and narrative scope of the Gospel according to Luke. Join us in the Lower Parish Hall during coffee hour for this three-week discussion.

November 10, 17, 2024
Parish Forum –
Life in Community and Mutual Care

This two-part series will take us back to the Sources of Transformation model we learned at the start of the program year and will do a bit of a deeper dive into the part of the model called “Life in Community.” Intern Jessica Thompson will guide us in reflecting on what it means to be community and the mutual care that characterizes our identity as a local expression of the Body of Christ.

December 1, 8, 15, 22, 2024
Advent Series – Devotional Practice

We often think of Lent as the primary season of preparation in our Christian year. Historically, however, Advent is also a time of fasting and preparation, an intense period of time in which we prepare for Christ’s coming again. Though popular practice has made this about preparing for Christmas, traditionally the scope is much larger, more cosmic. This year, during Advent, we will use material developed by Richard Foster and the Renovare group to learn about and engage in spiritual practice.

Yearly Events

Each year, we look forward to hosting special services and events such as our Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas Revels and Bonfire, our annual Commemoration of the Signing of Executive Order 9066, Holy Week and Easter, our Juneteenth Celebration, our outdoor Mass on the Grass, our St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals as well as our poignant All Saints’ Day celebration. We invite you to join us for any these events. You can find out more about what is coming up in our weekly e-newsletter, the Key.