Events at St. Peter’s


Sundays, February 16 and 23

On the last two Sundays of February, we’ll use the formation time to set some goals for our mutual ministry in 2025. During the sermon on February 2 and the meeting that followed the service, I spoke about creating two committees that will help to focus our goal setting and the work we do in the coming year. The Parish Connection Committee will be focused on helping those who enter our doors get connected and oriented to who we are and what we do, to develop intentional systems of invitation to relationships within the parish community, and to offer pathways of belonging within our common life and ministry. 

In addition to the Parish Connection Committee, we will be forming a Community Connection Committee. This committee will be charged with deepening our relationships with members of the larger community in which we gather, to strengthen our historic relationships and to develop new relationships with people and organizations that align with our missional values. The focus of their work will be to help us as a congregation reconnect with our parish neighborhood, to identify opportunities for service and community partnerships that will help us to live more fully into being bearers of God’s Good News in our world.

As we gather the next two weeks, your input will be helpful in shaping the work of these committees and outlining ways the larger parish community will support and engage in this work.

Lenten Formation: Baptismal Renewal, Confirmation, Reception

March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6

During Lent, we will spend Formation Hour focusing on deepening our understanding and practice of discipleship. These classes will cover topics and practices such as prayer, sacraments, ecological justice, and community engagement, all grounded in the Baptismal Covenant.

All are encouraged to attend this series, but a special invitation is offered to anyone who wishes to formally renew their baptism through Reaffirmation, Confirmation, or Reception at Cathedral Day (May 3, 2025 at St Mark’s). If you’re interested, please reach out to Rev. Nat by March 5.

Lenten Quiet Day

March 29, 10am – 5pm

Our Lenten Quiet Day will begin at 10am with Morning Prayer. The Church will remain open for an extended period for meditation, devotional reading, contemplation, and simply being attentive to God. We’ll end the day with Evening Prayer at 4:30pm.

Rev. Nat will be available to hear confession throughout the day.

View our Lenten worship schedule.