Events at St. Peter’s

Celebration of Life for Lana Abrams

March 29 at 11am

Lana was a longtime, beloved member of St Peter’s. In addition to her faithful service as the head of the altar guild and vestry member, Lana did a lot of work behind the scenes – from upkeep and decorative changes around the parish building to making promotional materials to support St Peter’s mission and ministries! Lana was generous and self-giving, creative and compassionate and her absence continues to be felt in our community.

Lenten Formation: Baptismal Renewal, Confirmation, Reception

Continues on March 30 and April 6

During Lent, we will spend Formation Hour focusing on deepening our understanding and practice of discipleship. These classes will cover topics and practices such as prayer, sacraments, ecological justice, and community engagement, all grounded in the Baptismal Covenant.

On March 30 and April 6, we will focus on Spiritual Gifts and do some deep listening to how God has equipped each of us to do the work God has given us to do. These sessions will require a bit of preparation by taking an online Spiritual Gift Inventory. The assessment takes about 15-20 minutes and will produce a report of your top six (providing an explanation of your top three). Please either print your report or write down your results and bring to the session on April 6.

View our Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide schedule.