Join us as we journey through Lent, Holy Week, and Eastertide.

Lenten Formation: Baptismal Renewal, Confirmation, Reception

March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6

During Lent, we will spend Formation Hour focusing on deepening our understanding and practice of discipleship. These classes will cover topics and practices such as prayer, sacraments, ecological justice, and community engagement, all grounded in the Baptismal Covenant.

Palm Sunday
April 13, 10:30am

We’ll gather in the Lower Parish Hall to begin our worship with the Liturgy of the Palms. We’ll bless the branches and process up the ramp into the Church. Though it has become customary in the Episcopal Church to hear the reading of the Passion, we will omit this reading because it is included in the Good Friday liturgy – one more reason to be sure to attend the liturgy of The Great Three Days!

Maundy Thursday
April 17, 6:30pm

This night begins the liturgy of the Great Three Days. The altar we will gather around is the shared table of our simple meal in the Lower Parish Hall, where we will make Eucharist together, using the Dinner Church model. “Maundy” is the Latin word for “Commandment” and is given to the name of this holy day because it is the day we commemorate Jesus’ final meal with his disciples and the new commandment to love one another as he has loved us. After supper, we will offer one another the sign of Jesus’ love by washing one another’s feet. Each of us will participate in the solemn act of stripping the altar as we clear away the remnants of the meal and then process into Hikari Chapel where we will begin our Watch with Christ at the Altar of Repose.

Good Friday
April 18, 7pm

The liturgy of The Great Three Days continues on Friday in the Church with reading of Sacred Scripture and, following the preaching of the Word, we will pray for all of creation and all people using the ancient solemn collects. As is our custom at St. Peter’s, we will have opportunity for burial devotions as we contemplate the death of Christ. This portion of the liturgy will conclude with Communion from the Sacrament consecrated on Maundy Thursday.

Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 19, 8pm

This is the final portion of the liturgy of The Great Three Days at which we celebrate our passing from sin and death to new life in the Risen Lord. The Vigil begins outside in our Labyrinth with the lighting of the New Fire and the blessing of the Paschal Candle. From there, we’ll process into the Church and hear the record of God’s saving acts as told in our tradition. We will renew our baptismal covenant and then share communion with one another in the first Holy Eucharist of Easter.

Easter Sunday
April 20,10:30am

We celebrate the first Sunday of Easter at our regularly scheduled time, followed by a festive brunch.